12 November 2020 | 0

GDPR Compliance

We are pleased to announce that BusWhere has already implemented key steps towards full compliance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). With the capable and comprehensive help of the cybersecurity and data protection firm Konfidas, we have completed a compliance review of all BusWhere systems, and implemented any changes that were needed in […]

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4 October 2020 | 0

Contact Tracing for Students

As schools reopen and are doing their best to deal with unprecedented challenges due to the coronavirus / COVID-19, we have received an increasing number of requests to include Contact Tracing with our ridership tracking feature. We are pleased to announce that starting today, schools using our rider tracking will get free access to our […]

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19 May 2020 | 0

Corona – Where?

First and foremost: Our hearts go out to those who have suffered personal tragedy during these times. We are all struggling with the implications of the recent months and only time will tell what the long-term results will be. As we cross into late-May, some districts are talking about limited openings, and many if not […]

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28 February 2020 | 0

Sparklines: See Safety Fast

Bus drivers have hard jobs. They drive very large vehicles on all kinds of roads, over long periods of time, and under varied conditions. It’s one of those jobs that you can do well for years and no one will say anything, and the one day that an incident occurs can end in tragedy for […]

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21 June 2019 | 0

5-Second Updates = Realtime

How Often Does Your GPS Tracker Call Home? (Hint: Probably not as often as it should) Ladies and gentlemen, start your egg timers. This blog post should take you about 30 seconds to read, and the bus has just started moving. In the world of GPS tracking, it used to be enough (and a minor […]

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