We are pleased to announce that BusWhere has already implemented key steps towards full compliance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
With the capable and comprehensive help of the cybersecurity and data protection firm Konfidas, we have completed a compliance review of all BusWhere systems, and implemented any changes that were needed in order to comply with the GDPR – regulations that specify critical protections for user data. Please notice the new banner on the website’s home page, reminding our visitors of how we use cookies. We have also updated our Privacy Policy to incorporate these changes.
The GDPR applies to EU nationals, but the changes that we have made will improve security and transparency for all users. We have already received and honored requests to remove user data for users who want control over where their data is stored and which sites store information about them. We applaud these initiatives and encourage all of our users to understand their privacy rights and assert them where they feel the need to do so.
We are proud to have partnered with GDPR-Rep, as our EU representative, and privacy questions and requests may be submitted to them at https://gdpr-rep.eu/q/11134541, or directly to us at support@buswhere.com.
Support documentation is available upon request. We look forward to working with our European partners as we open BusWhere services in the EU!